Sunday, January 31, 2010

Bear Lake January 28-31, 2010

Nelson had a four day weekend, so we went to the cabin.
Coming into the Bear Lake valley. The clouds were completely covering the lake.

We saw tons of deer this weekend

On Friday Nelson and I drove to his grandpa's home he grew up in. His great uncle Leonard still lives there on occasion and maintains it. His grandpa and his four brothers grew up here. It is in Bloomington, Idaho. They built both these barns in 1914.

The Bloomington house from the front.

The back of the house where they had apple trees. (Leonard still eats them)

This is across the street and used to be the church. It is now the town hall.

Up the street is Bloomington cemetery where his grandpa Krogue is buried.

Nolan Lyman Krogue's tombstone.

Our friends Tyler and Mandy Snow came up. This is Nelson and their nephew Cobe snowmobiling. In the background is Tyler and his son Camden

Tyler and Camden

Camden, Sawyer (their other son) and Cobe watching a movie.

Unfortunately for Mandy, she has to make cookies every time she sees us because we love her cookies. This week's delight was oatmeal chocolate chip and I ate a lot of them. Tyler grossed me out by pouring a bowl full of vitamin D milk and then breaking up a couple cookies into it. He then ate it like cereal. Awful.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Cabin January 22-24, 2010

The beach at Bear Lake. Looks toasty doesn't it?
Nelson, Darren, Gene, Evy and Holly went to the cabin for the weekend so Darren and Nelson could snowmobile. It was about 30 degrees during the day. That weekend the people in the town had a community day where they caught fish, had ice sculptures, etc. One of the activities was for Primary Children's Medical Center. Volunteers jumped into the lake. They had to have a physical prior to jumping. It sounds awful.

Evy asleep on the couch.

Evy. She's into sucking her thumb lately.

Taggert on the deck.

On the side of the cabin.

From the deck of the cabin. Darren bringing his snowmobile in.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Mindy Sue's Baby Shower January 9, 2010

The lady of the hour. Mindy is expecting a baby girl in February.

Had to include a picture of these little numbers. Yum

Jessica playing a game. You had to talk on the phone, hold the baby (in this case a monkey - I forgot the baby doll) and hang things on the clothes line at the same time. Unfortunately Jessica took the longest amount of time to do it. We will forgive her, she's 7 months pregnant after all.


Lindsey and Evy
Kim and Holly. I look like I had a little too much punch



Mindy Sue


Kim and Evy



Large Marge

Us looking at Facebook and blogs

Jessica, Kim, Lindsey, Holly, Evy, Maggie (all business) and Mindy

And the best part of the shower of all? Finding Brian downstairs blasting music and exercising in his speedos

Friday, January 15, 2010

My current favorite TV shows

Modern Family-- For all of you out there who are not watching this show, stop what you're doing immediately and join in. When I first saw that the despicable Al Bundy was involved I wrote it off but then gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised to discover he could play a different and much better character. Everybody loves Phil that's striving to be a cool dad. This show is my absolute favorite. Cheers to all the comedies that are now getting rid of canned laughter.

Oprah-- This woman cannot be topped. Every show makes me want to be a better person and I can't believe how much work goes into every episode. This woman really knows what women want. I wish I could be the white Gayle. I can't let Oprah go next season, I just can't.

30 Rock-- Tracy Morgan makes me laugh so hard sometimes that I can't breathe. The one-liners in this show cannot be outdone. A couple of my favorites from Tracy Morgan: "I would do it for a billion doll hairs", "What am I supposed to carry it with, my arms?" And of course the delightful Kenneth the Page, "I feel as useless as a mom's college degree."

The Office-- I started off watching the British version with Ricky Gervais. At first the awkwardness of the American version was uncomfortable to watch but now I enjoy it.

48 Hours-- I've watched this for years but I've been currently banned from it because it gives me paranoia that someone is going to attack me. But I don't want to give anyone the idea to attack me so I'm not going to go into any details. They make it so creepy it gives you the willies. I bet they do the Susan Powell case on 48 Hours someday.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year's Eve from You Know Where 2009

Our basement flooded New Year's Eve. See below for timeline. My feet are really red here because they were freezing from that cold water.

Nelson hauling stuff upstairs. Among the sopping wet stuff: his beloved deer heads and his missionary albums and journals

A box falling apart. Nelson had a lot of choice words that evening.

A few days prior, Nelson had stacked most of our boxes because we were worried that our basement might flood someday. The actual reason it flooded was because our landlord failed to winterize the sprinkling system. The pipe froze and burst. Can you imagine what our water bill is going to be?

The window well it was coming from. I had to bail the water out of this. Outside of the window was a tremendous amount of water. As I was bailing, I stepped into a freezing cold puddle that went halfway up my calf. Brrr.

We had to haul all of our stuff upstairs to dry

4:45 am Holly wakes up (Evy was kinda noisy)
6:00 am Holly leaves for work
12:30 Nelson drops Evy off at Crystal's to be babysat
1:30 Nelson's work calls to tell him he has to be there at 2:30 instead of 3:30 that day. (Nice notice huh?) Nelson was in Ogden so he starts driving fast to work.
2:00 pm Nelson gets a speeding ticket. He's in our new truck so has no insurance card with him either.
2:50 pm Nelson finally arrives to work
5:00 pm Holly picks up Evy from Crystal's and heads to Logan
5:30 pm Holly gets rerouted because there is a fire on the road she was driving (carpet store was on fire)
7:30 pm Holly finally gets to Logan, spends New Year's Eve alone (Well with Evy and Taggert)
11:40 pm Nelson finally gets home from work
11:45 Nelson takes Taggert to his kennel downstairs
11:46 Nelson yells, "Uh Holly, flood" (At first I thought he said blood which would have been worse)
11:47 Holly runs downstairs to find a river of water
12:00 Nelson says "I think I just heard someone scream." I say, " Nelson it's New Year's" We continue cleaning.
11:47-2:45am Call our landlord, pump out water, bail it out of window well, haul furniture and boxes upstairs.
2:46 am Evy wakes up. I feed her and change her. She pees all over our sheets while changing her. We change our sheets
3:00 am We go to bed