Thursday, April 28, 2011


Elena, Evy and I went to the aquarium in Sandy today.

Evy wasn't scared of the stingrays, sharks or whatever this thing is. She only got scared when I physically tried to force my mom to touch the electric shock button that gives you a jolt similar to what an eel does to its prey. She made me do it but chickened out herself. I swear my left arm tingled for 5 straight minutes.

We watched them feed the penguins.

We had story time.

Grandma can't go anywhere without her trademark red shirt and jeans.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter 2011

We spent the Saturday before Easter at Grandma and Grandpa Call's house in Idaho. This is my mom's mom and step-father. They never disappoint.

Dying Easter eggs. Hayden, Spencer, Brooklyn and Maddi. Every year someone has to make Michele's signature watermelon Easter egg.

Melanie, Kate, Holly, Evy and Sami. Matt, Steve and Kate all flew up for the day. I would like to publicly make fun of them for this.

Brooklyn, Maddi, Kate, Sami, Jack, Spencer and Evy. Sami was such a dear and helped the kids gather eggs instead of putting them all into her basket.

Evy loved it.

Evy and Nelson during the hunt. I am sure this was Nelson's favorite activity since he is such a hunter and all. He later shot guns with my grandpa and helped plant trees. He would have been a farmer if he'd had the chance he always tells me.

Melanie, Vera, Holly, Spencer, Melissa and Maggie. I look positively gigantic here. I swear I am not expecting. Just extra large that day I guess. Too much Easter candy.

We went to church in our new ward for the second time. Ignore our gravel driveway. We can't have a real one until the weather permits. We all know how weather doesn't cooperate in Cache Valley.

We went to a nearby school by our house after and also another park so Taggert and Evy could get out. Someone was BBQing with their family and it smelled divine. I can't wait to start BBQing.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

I'm done with school for the summer! 4-21-11

This semester I took a nursing assessment class. I had to do a physical assessment on my partner (luckily it was my friend Rachael from work) in front of a nurse practitioner all from memory. I even had to look in her nostrils. I dare you to do this to your friend in an exam, without laughing.

Next I took a nursing research class, where we critiqued research articles and learned about the steps involved in medical research. This class is notorious for being confusing, but luckily I had an awesome teacher. My final project was on whether grape juice was as good for your heart as red wine is. (It actually is quite good for your heart according to many articles I read)

As many of you know, I am finishing my bachelor's degree in nursing. Not all schools can give you a bachelor's degree, they give you two associates degrees instead. So if you want an actual bachelor's degree, you have to go to a university after nursing school to receive one. I will start again in the fall and have 3 semesters to go. It was mostly online but I also went to class every few weeks or so this past year and really liked it. I am switching to straight online next year since it's too hard to find help with Evy when I attend school. I do think that as useful as online classes are, there is no substitute for a classroom and interaction with people.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Move to Hyde Park April 2, 2011

 Thanks to family and friends, we finally moved to Hyde Park. I can't find my camera for the life of me, so all I have is the pictures Karlene took on her iphone at the storage facility.

Cute little Evy

We're so glad to be in our new house but I am still commuting to Salt Lake for work until I find a job in Logan. The best part about moving to a new neighborhood is the chocolate chip cookies they brought. De-lightful. Now we get to look forward to putting in our yard this summer. Yeah!