Saturday, April 6, 2013

Spring 2013

Thank the good heavens above, Spring has arrived. Here is what we have done lately...
Nelson got himself a motorcycle. (Shocker) He has a new hobby every time I blink. I told him to snap a picture of me wearing a camouflage shirt (I was only wearing it for the hunting show) while sitting on his motorcycle. That's his idea of a real woman.

We went to the Outdoors show at the Expo Center. Nelson is all smiles at this thing. Evy loved the dog show. There is some major people watching here.

This is mean to snap a picture of his distress but it was funny. I promise I helped him out of this predicament eventually.

I had to work Easter weekend this year. Nelson stayed home with Coleman to do yardwork. Evy went with my family on Saturday to Grandma Carol's farm in Idaho for an Easter egg hunt. This is one of the most amazing places on earth. It never disappoints. I am glad Evy has had the chance to experience it.

Evy, Kate, Zach

Coloring Easter eggs.

Our (soon-to-be) yardwork has started again this year. Grass will soon be on its way! Once spring hits, Nelson is always outside in the yard. He says his garden brings him such a high. Who would have thought? My Dad and Grandpa Jack have always been the same way. Evy insists on dressing fancy when she comes out to work with us. Always a lady.

Getting his garden ready. Don't ask me how he paid someone to bring in a bunch of dirt. Just don't ask me.

We have started going to parks again. We meet up with neighbor kids. The best part about parks is having a picnic. This means no huge cleanup at home after they eat. Small things make me happy.

He looks so much like me at this age. I need to post a picture. It's kind of weird to have a son that looks like me.

We have gone to Jump Zone a couple times too. It's a trampoline park. This is Avery and Evy on The "Rody" and "Rody max."

We went to a fish pond in Pleasant View we went to last year. It's a way easy way for kids to catch fish; too easy that we have to slow them down. Evy loves it but gets grossed out and kinda freaked when they come near her. Avery was holding up a fish and one slapped Evy on the cheek.

Robin, Evy and Nelson

Evy watching the kid hit the fish over the head then filet them. What a gross job but probably a teenage boy's dream.

Coleman started walking this week! He still prefers crawling but he is improving. I love that milestone.

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