Friday, August 5, 2011

Willow Park Zoo

I admit, Evy and I have to come up with activities everyday to keep ourselves entertained since it's just the two of us all the time. Luckily we have the Willow Park Zoo that only costs $3 for the 2 of us. This is Evy looking at an elk. I didn't have the heart to tell her that this is the same type of animal her dad has hanging in our basement.

I think one of my favorite things to do this summer is share a snow cone with Evy.

I know the controversy is that playgrounds are too safe these days for kids. Well, not for a (almost) 2 year old. They have gaps all over the place she can fall down from. This forces me to go up with her and all the kids are annoyed that a big person is taking up all the space.

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