Friday, September 9, 2011

Labor day at the Farm

Every year we hit my grandparents' house in Firth, Idaho. We attend the kickin' Eastern Idaho State Fair. This is my Grandpa Ford helping Evy put on her shoes.

This is Evy and Kate on the ten minute drive to the fair. We hadn't even gotten there yet.

McKee's petting zoo is a favorite of ours. Evy liked this pig until it got too close.

Evy and the "horsey"

If you're wondering about Evy's hair, it's because she pulled out her pigtails, lost the elastics somewhere in the fair, and this is what we were stuck with. A minute after this picture, a lady sat next to Evy and said, "Wow, you're hair is wild."

Maggie and I split this tiger ear with extra honey butter. That's right, we ate the whole thing. I do it every year.

Oh it's delightful.

A great day of fishing at the pond by my Cousin Tim.

Some of us (not me:) camped out by the pond. We ate most of our meals there. Ask everyone that camped how they liked the sprinklers soaking them at 3am. Ha ha ha.

Yummy breakfast

Maddi and Evy

Grandma pulled out this creepy dog? from her cedar chest from the 50s. It's super weird and I made the kids pose next to it. P.S. This creature still needs a name. Any ideas?

We had a fish fry at the pond that Tim and Casey had caught that day. I heard Matt and Stacy laugh simultaneously at the table. They were enjoying watching Aunt Michele bite into her lettuce burger. What a delight. Bless her heart for making her famous cookies even though she's on a special diet. Until next year EISF! (Eastern Idaho State Fair)


  1. What if you just call it "The Creature"? That seemed pretty appropriate!

  2. Does the creature only have one eye?
