Thursday, July 29, 2010

July 24, 2010 Bon Voyage Sether!

We got together on the 24th to wish Heather and Seth good luck in Chicago. Seth will be starting law school there this fall.

Kim, Wyatt, Lindsey, Jessica, Abby, Vienna, Mindy, Molly, Heather, Miles, Lindsey, Holly and Evy (the miracle of this picture is that Wyatt held still)

Mindy's baby Molly and Evy playing. I love how Evy is five months older than Molly but they are both at the same stage of crawling.

Jeremy and Lindsey

What is Wyatt eating? I'll let you decide.

Jessica holding Abby

Heather and Vienna

Lindsey and Evy

Nelson, Kim, Mindy, Molly, Jessica, Abby and Heather
So long Sether! (for now) We'll miss you!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Evy 10 months July 17, 2010

My family and I went over to Matt's to meet his cute new little baby Zach. He was nice enough to take pictures of Evy. This one worked until Evy tried to eat the straw.

If you need your pics taken, Matt will do a great job (and Casey too).'d this guy get in here?

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Flaming Gorge July 9-11, 2010

Every year the Camblins (Nelson's 2nd family from Sandy) go to Flaming Gorge. We tag along sometimes. I think this is the 3rd time we have gone. This was Evy's first camping trip.

Evy did great pulling the boat.

Lee, Darren and Hunter Camblin. This may frighten some, but Nelson will be doing the same thing with our kids.

Lee, Ella, Halle, Rebekah, Claire

Nelson and Taggert

We made dutch oven dessert. It was de-lish.

Evy did great but she isn't fun to share a sleeping bag with.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

July 1 & 5, 2010

Evy eating a popsicle at my mom's. I have been trying not to introduce Evy to sweets to delay her becoming a typical American that overindulges (myself included) but it's inevitable. Treats are just good.

Elena, Kate and Evy

Elena (aka Gangey) and Kate

July 5th. Nelson and Evy at the fireworks show in Lewiston. You know you're in Lewiston when everyone is wearing wranglers, everyone is pulling a horse trailer, there's a man calling out to his 8 year old daughter named Jaylene, and next to you are a bunch of teenage boys recording themselves lighting firecrackers off their heads, hands, mouths and butts.