Friday, March 28, 2014

January & February 2014

January and February are boring around here. This is New Year's Eve. Winston and Coleman checking out his new trainset.

We went to Casey's house with my family and had a dance party. Evy decided to color herself with markers.  Yes my kids stayed up until midnight. Bad mom alert.

Charlie's for ice cream. Coleman calls ice cream "gum" for some reason.

Bedtime selfies.

We went to the cabin for a weekend and talked Karlene into coming over and teaching me how to make cinnamon rolls.

Coleman turned 2! Poor little fella has a January birthday.

We got him Thomas the Train toys. He's obsessed with "choo choos".

He started his morning off with a cinnamon roll and then stealing mine.

Jump Zone AKA germ zone.

We had Casey's family over for dinner, "gum"and cupcakes. They brought over an asian family for us to meet.

This is the only time I can get Coleman to be still and quiet.

We are so stir crazy in the winter. We went to Lava Hot Springs for a day trip, then dinner after. My kids loved the pools. It was freezing when we got out and even more freezing for Evy when she barfed all over her clothes on the way home and had to wear some of mine.

A balloon for Valentine's day. Evy had to make Valentine's for her Joyschool and Preschool groups. Nelson made me a frame from wood he got in Colorado and put a picture of the temple in it.