Saturday, October 20, 2012

Ashworth Halloween Party 2012

Crystal put together a Halloween party for the Ashworths. We had dinner and games at Nelson's parents' clubhouse. Evy kept saying how scared she was of clowns before Gene got dressed so he tried to take it easy. I told them the only clowns these days are creepy so Evy doesn't know any different.

Camille and Coleman. What a cute little man I have. Camille and I were talking about how we had to "unsexy" our costumes because every girl costume is nasty.

Dan and Ben. "I'm Warrio, Ima gonna win!"

Evy wanted to be Snow White of course. She did her own lipstick. I don't claim that.

Connie and Coleman.

Linley, Sawyer, Ben, Paige and Evy making ghosts.

Dan playing Halloween Bingo with the kids.

The adults played "minute to win it" games. This is Amanda competing against Chase to get the cookie in her mouth using only her head. She won BTW.

Nelson wanted to play this one just so he could have a cookie.

Connie and Brett trying to blow the balls into the next containers. Brett won this one.

Gene and Karlene having to fish pennies out of pantyhose. This was hilarious P.S.

I hope you enjoy my hideousness. I wore the mom wig of course. I am a firm believer that you should be hideous or scary for Halloween. Kids not included. They can be cute.