Saturday, August 28, 2010

Nelson's deer hunt August 20-25, 2010

Nelson went hunting with his buddies last week near Cedar City. No, he didn't get anything. (That is A-ok with me; plenty of antlers on the wall and meat in the freezer already if you know what I mean)

Mandy, Tyler and Camden. I know Mandy will be thrilled this picture is on here!

Congrats Tyler! Sorry for the weak-stomached folk.

Meanwhile, I started my bachelor degree in nursing at Weber State University. It is mostly online and I go to class occasionally. This semester I am learning about the history of nursing and gerontology (study of old people). Nelson isn't excited but I am excited to learn. It's not like nursing school and not so much pressure. School is definitely different now that I have a child. I have to study at night and nap time.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Swimming Aug 2010

Eat your heart out ladies, this farmer with a tan is mine. Evy's first time at the swimming pool.

Evy got water up her nose a couple times, hopefully she'll forgive me. She did great on the high dive... Is it just me or do they look a lot alike here?

So long to my cush lifestyle of her staying in one spot. She isn't walking yet. She's crawling and pulling herself up on things.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Zach's blessing Aug.1, 2010

We went to cute little Zach's blessing On Sunday.

And who's the handsome papa? Oh Matt, I hope Zach turns out just like you.

Little old lady

Holly and "JSYK" this is cousin Stacy.

Blessings can be so tiring.

Elena and yet another grandchild she can feed fruit snacks to and shop for small prizes at All A Dollar.

Matt Fat, "two plates" Maggie and Stacy