Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Weekend 2012

For Memorial Day weekend this year we went to the cabin for a couple days with Nelson's parents then had a get together with my family. This is us today at my Grandpa Jack's grave at Providence Cemetery near where my Dad was raised. This is Jack, Kate, Evy, Zach and Coleman.

Evy, Jack ( This is who little Jack is named after), Kate and Matt

Coleman asleep. Just to clarify: this is my ARM he is lying on.

Coleman and my Grandma Marian McFarland.

This is what happens when men outweigh the number of women: a lot of napping going on.

We couldn't decide if my Dad was wearing gangsta shorts or capris, so he modeled as a gangsta for me. Those are pineapples all over his shirt.
On our way to the cabin. We were almost there. This always freaks me out when he does this because this was a main road.

Nelson and Gene like to skip all the famous shake shops along main street and get a shake at the local Chevron. They think it is the best there. Gene decided to get crazy and ordered a raspberry oreo shake for us. It was ok but I prefer them seperate still.

My handsome boys

We drove up St. Charles Canyon and the higher we drove the more snow we ran into. We finally turned around so we wouldn't get stuck.

Evy is finally potty trained now as of this last week, so we are getting used to her having to stop to go to the bathroom. I discovered Nelson letting Evy go in the bushes in the corner of the Bloomington Cemetery where his Grandpa Krogue is buried. This is when it would be a convenient to be a guy. Leonard has an old outhouse set up in Bloomington and that is what Evy had to use while we were there. She looked at it and said, "Mom, that isn't a toilet." Baptism by fire.
Uncle Leonard finally got to meet Coleman. Leonard is Nelson's Grandpa Krogue's brother.
 We also watched "The Patriot" on Sunday. I really want to learn more about the Revolutionary War and that time period. Casey lent me the book John Adams and I am excited to start reading. Happy Memorial Day!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

We went to my cousin Billie's house for Mother's Day this year. Grandma Marian and Ray returned from their annual winter stay in St.George. We all brought salads except for Allie. She was the only one that brought a dessert. I had bought all the stuff to make a treat but ran out of time to make it so I was mad. Also we got super lost driving down, Evy barfed on the way home, and Coleman cried a good portion of the drive to and from. We didn't get home until 10pm and our kids were beyond ornery. Otherwise it was fun!

Matt, Zach and Tanner

Little old lady Nelson


Evy talks about Kate daily, tells me she is coming over every day, and calls her on her fake phone daily. I was glad she finally got to play with her.

Large Marge and Winston

Good old Ray