Sunday, January 25, 2015

December 2014

We went to our ward Christmas dinner and my neighbor girl did Evy's hair beforehand. I wish I could do hair like this. Evy loved it.

December 14th we took our kids to a Christmas concert at the Logan Tabernacle. It was so cold that night. Our kids were rowdy of course but we got to enjoy some of it. I actually let Coleman watch cartoons silently on my phone during the last half because we couldn't stand chasing him anymore.

Evy did a little Christmas dance for the parents during her class. Notice she's the only one with a weird outfit and hair not done? Welcome to the world of Evy. She wants her own way when it comes to that and we fight every morning over it.  I try to compromise with her so she looks semi decent for school. I told Nelson I need a morning nanny to deal with Evy every morning.

We picked out white elephant gifts at the DI for our upcoming family Christmas party. I made Coleman try on this wig that is supposed to look like my mom's hair. Doesn't he look ill or something?

Nelson's family Christmas party. The kids all snuck into the spare bedroom and were looking at some electronic. Not sure what. Evy stole my phone and took a picture. Right before this we took the kids swimming. Coleman was walking in the hot tub and got too deep and went underwater. I had to jump in fully clothed and grabbed him. Scared the crap out of me. Our lifejackets were locked up for the winter. Well I won't do that again.

Game of extreme musical tape. I don't ever get in the middle of this because I don't want a broken arm or leg.

All the grandkids. Amanda is the oldest. Coleman is the youngest until our baby is born.

Gene, Karlene, Crystal, Leonard, Nelson, Darren, Connie. Cheryl and Pete were at a concert and couldn't come.

The next day at the McFarland Christmas party. The kids opening white elephant presents. If you notice that no matter what I do, Coleman's hair goes into a point. It's just against nature for it to be any other way.

Look at this hideous ice skate stocking I bought. Too bad it's turned around.

It wouldn't be a family get together if Steve didn't take a nap. Dead serious.

Matt's white elephant gift: a humongous baby head mask.
All the grandkids. Sami is the oldest, Tommy is the youngest.

On our way home that night we took our kids to Ogden's Christmas Village.

Holly and Evy

Taggert enjoying the tree. Nelson bought it from a tree farm this year. We didn't get a chance to go cut one in time.

Christmas Eve we went to breakfast at Angie's Restaurant. My kids love to eat pancakes. They ask for them every morning.

That evening, Gene and Karlene came up. We had a turkey dinner, set up luminaries, drove around to look at lights, and did a Christmas FHE.

Nelson's luminaries. He's done this since he was a kid and sold them to earn money for his mission.

Karlene made her Christmas pudding with lemon sauce.

Some of the kids' toys set up for Christmas morning.

Christmas morning. Evy got a scooter.

Coleman loved his fire truck. We had aebleskiver for breakfast and relaxed during the day. Gene and Karlene left in the afternoon to see the other kids. Casey and his family came to visit that night.

Nelson bought me cabinets for my laundry room. Hallelujah. He even set them up that day with his parents' help. That never happens. I usually have to wait until he has time.

December 27th my kids went sledding in the backyard. Coleman doesn't last in the cold but Evy sure enjoyed it. It's the perfect small hill for them. Hopefully they ran over some voles in the process. They've infested everyone's yards this year.

Coleman constantly was putting things in and/or washing things in our tree water. I found my missing nativity pieces in there when we took the tree down. He also broke a record number of ornaments and nativity pieces this year, including our star on the top of the tree.

December 29th my friend Amber Kimber and I took our kids to Angie' s Restaurant (maybe not the best idea)

Then we took them to the Jump Zone.

New Year's Eve we threw a party at my parents' house with all our friends we hung out with a lot before we had kids. We still hang out but it's harder with all this pile of kids we all have now.  This is my attempt at a pregnancy photo. I think I am 26 weeks here.

Nelson, Matt and Jeremy

Lindsey, Beck, Miles, Kate and Evy eating snacks.

Maggie, Heather, Kim and Allie

Jessica is as far along as me. She's having her 4th girl. Whoohie.

The kids banged pots and pans outside. I bundled them up and stayed inside and watched. What a sissy I am. Coleman put himself to sleep at 11pm. He was done.

Maggie and Kim

Kim is due in June, Jessica and I are due in April.

Holly and Maggie

Matt and Kim. Happy New Year! 2015 is going to blow but that's another story for another time!

Friday, January 23, 2015

October & November 2014

Gene and Nelson went to an Aggie's game

Our joyschool group went to the Pumpkin Festival at Elk Ridge Park.

Carving pumpkins. Can you tell which one Nelson did? Coleman asked us every single day in October when we were going to put fire in our pumpkins.

Trick or treating begins. Coleman lives and breathes for trick or treating. Coleman was a cop because he said he wanted a costume with a gun or sword. So I found one. Evy was mad I bought her an Elsa costume for her birthday and made her wear it for Halloween. I thought she'd want to be Elsa at Disneyland. She wanted to be a witch. Oh well, there's always next year.

Coleman likes to look for bucks with his "noculars" in fields nearby.

Nelson taking the kids for a ride.

Nelson heat shrinked the boat for the owners of our last house in Sandy. I have a picture of Evy as a baby in front of this house so I wanted her to stand by it again. They are currently remodeling the house inside and putting it up for sale.

We took a trip to the Museum of Curiosity in Thanksgiving Point.

Nelson loved the air machine that blew this sheet.

Nelson took the kids to an Aggie game by himself while I worked. They  thought it was a lot of fun. I think they lasted halfway.

Coleman getting a checkup with his ENT. He has huge tonsils and gets to have them out in January. Maybe the he won't sound like he's under water.