Friday, January 15, 2010

My current favorite TV shows

Modern Family-- For all of you out there who are not watching this show, stop what you're doing immediately and join in. When I first saw that the despicable Al Bundy was involved I wrote it off but then gave it a shot. I was pleasantly surprised to discover he could play a different and much better character. Everybody loves Phil that's striving to be a cool dad. This show is my absolute favorite. Cheers to all the comedies that are now getting rid of canned laughter.

Oprah-- This woman cannot be topped. Every show makes me want to be a better person and I can't believe how much work goes into every episode. This woman really knows what women want. I wish I could be the white Gayle. I can't let Oprah go next season, I just can't.

30 Rock-- Tracy Morgan makes me laugh so hard sometimes that I can't breathe. The one-liners in this show cannot be outdone. A couple of my favorites from Tracy Morgan: "I would do it for a billion doll hairs", "What am I supposed to carry it with, my arms?" And of course the delightful Kenneth the Page, "I feel as useless as a mom's college degree."

The Office-- I started off watching the British version with Ricky Gervais. At first the awkwardness of the American version was uncomfortable to watch but now I enjoy it.

48 Hours-- I've watched this for years but I've been currently banned from it because it gives me paranoia that someone is going to attack me. But I don't want to give anyone the idea to attack me so I'm not going to go into any details. They make it so creepy it gives you the willies. I bet they do the Susan Powell case on 48 Hours someday.


  1. "I wouldn't do that for a billion doll hairs."

  2. I'ma hafta disagree with you on the Harpo thing. The problem is that women take everything on that show as doctrine. Jenny McCarthy goes on the show a couple times "knowing" that immunizations gave her kid autism and a whole bunch of ladies believe it and don't immunize their kids because of it. I read an article about how doctors and scientists hate Oprah because she has people on her show that say things against what countless scientific studies have proven and these people don't know scrud. Sorry, Walrus. Oprah needs to be more careful.
