Friday, January 1, 2010

The New Year's Eve from You Know Where 2009

Our basement flooded New Year's Eve. See below for timeline. My feet are really red here because they were freezing from that cold water.

Nelson hauling stuff upstairs. Among the sopping wet stuff: his beloved deer heads and his missionary albums and journals

A box falling apart. Nelson had a lot of choice words that evening.

A few days prior, Nelson had stacked most of our boxes because we were worried that our basement might flood someday. The actual reason it flooded was because our landlord failed to winterize the sprinkling system. The pipe froze and burst. Can you imagine what our water bill is going to be?

The window well it was coming from. I had to bail the water out of this. Outside of the window was a tremendous amount of water. As I was bailing, I stepped into a freezing cold puddle that went halfway up my calf. Brrr.

We had to haul all of our stuff upstairs to dry

4:45 am Holly wakes up (Evy was kinda noisy)
6:00 am Holly leaves for work
12:30 Nelson drops Evy off at Crystal's to be babysat
1:30 Nelson's work calls to tell him he has to be there at 2:30 instead of 3:30 that day. (Nice notice huh?) Nelson was in Ogden so he starts driving fast to work.
2:00 pm Nelson gets a speeding ticket. He's in our new truck so has no insurance card with him either.
2:50 pm Nelson finally arrives to work
5:00 pm Holly picks up Evy from Crystal's and heads to Logan
5:30 pm Holly gets rerouted because there is a fire on the road she was driving (carpet store was on fire)
7:30 pm Holly finally gets to Logan, spends New Year's Eve alone (Well with Evy and Taggert)
11:40 pm Nelson finally gets home from work
11:45 Nelson takes Taggert to his kennel downstairs
11:46 Nelson yells, "Uh Holly, flood" (At first I thought he said blood which would have been worse)
11:47 Holly runs downstairs to find a river of water
12:00 Nelson says "I think I just heard someone scream." I say, " Nelson it's New Year's" We continue cleaning.
11:47-2:45am Call our landlord, pump out water, bail it out of window well, haul furniture and boxes upstairs.
2:46 am Evy wakes up. I feed her and change her. She pees all over our sheets while changing her. We change our sheets
3:00 am We go to bed

1 comment:

  1. Sounds awful Holly. I hope you stick it to those landlords. They sound like they're a couple of jokes. Its they're responsibility to fix it not yours so dont spend a cent! Love and miss you.
